Thursday, August 11, 2011

Training Week 2

So I managed to find a small burger joint here (No McDonalds is not readily available in rural Cambodia) and may have eaten one of the most questionable hamburgers in the eastern hemisphere.  This was all a culmination of me searching for days on end and asking everyone in broken Khmer where I could find a hamburger.  A solid 75% didnt know what a hamburger was and the rest gave me blank stares, but I get the feeling they don't have a lot of Americans in these parts so it may have been surprising to them that I actually spoke some of their language.

The place was called Golden Fried Chicken and it had everything from pizza to... fried chicken.  I ordered the burger and could not have been more excited at the time.  When it came out I was quickly questioning my decision but realized how far I rode my bike to get to this restaurant, and even if the Apocalypse was raining down I was going to eat the damn thing.  If you have ever had the mystery meat they serve in some high school cafeterias then this would be two or three steps below that, but I have felt great all of today and will probably go back soon.

Also my care package arrived today and I got the treat of Starburst! Thanks mom and dad, you guys are the greatest.  I would also like to give a shoutout to my niece who is apparently being potty trained, give 'em hell and dont let them put the big girl pants on you too early, because there is only a small window of time you can poop yourself and have it be socially acceptable.

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